In today’s workshop, on the right to water, the right to the city and the right to environmental sustainability, by Carla Peracchi, we have made a video conference connection with the women of the Anubhuti Yog Sansthan association, an association of women in India who have told us about their water right project, a topic which they are greatly concerned about because there are areas where there are only two hours a day of running water. We have been told that 90% of the water in your country is destined for agriculture and animal husbandry which leaves a minimum margin for supplying the population. During the connection, a debate was opened in which women from the Women Commission of the Indian Culture Center have participated actively in finding alternative solutions to the lack of water and how the issue is being managed in Catalonia.




Workshop “Dret a l’aigua, a la ciutat… 3 (Connection with India)