Beautiful celebration of Independence Day of India, with a large influx of people, organized by the Indian Culture Center. The event, presented by Alok Lahad and Priya Addepalli, began with the interpretation of the national anthem of India and followed by Professor Kandarp Mehta came a summary of the speech of the President of India, Mrs. Draupali Murmu. Next, the space dedicated to classical dance began with the Catalan dancer Núria Cabo. After the kathak dance, members of the Telegu Association of Barcelona performed a skitch and related-themed dances on Independence Day. The color and vitality of Bollywood dance arrived on the stage of the Nou Barris district headquarters with Dakini Dance and Dancing Ganesh groups. The act ended with the congratulations of the guests of honor, Senator Robert Masih Nahar, founder of the Indian Culture Centre, MP Maria Dantas, the director and founder of the House of Tibet in Barcelona, Thubten Wangchen and the director i founder of the Casa de la India in Valladolid, Guillermo Rodríguez. All the public attendees could taste some indian snacks at the end of the event.