On Saturday, June 1 at 6:00 p.m. we invite you to the opening of the YAMA photography exhibition, by photographer Paco G. Robles, which will take place at the Casa del Tibet in Barcelona. The exhibition, which can be visited from June 1 to 29, consists of 24 black and white photos, most of them taken in the holy city of Varanasi, which bring us closer to the Hindu belief that whoever dies in the sacred city obtains “moksa”, liberation from the cycle of reincarnations, and thus returns to the spiritual universe.
The YAMA exhibition, organized by the Indian Culture Centre, on the Casa del Tibet website:
EXPOSICIÓ YAMA, EL SECRET DEL DEU DE LA MORT. | Fundació Casa del Tibet de Barcelona (casadeltibetbcn.org)

“YAMA” photography exhibition