Training on the role of women and their relationship with the right to the city and the right to water, organized by the Women’s Commission of the Indian Culture Center. In this training given by Carla Peracchi, the situation of these rights in India and other countries has been put into context linking experiences of women activists such as Pakistani Malala Yousafzai, defender of the right to education of girls and women. She received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014 at age 17 becoming the youngest person to access that award in any of the categories awarded. Shaila Shikran, despite the agricultural crisis in India, Shaila has become the driving force behind a revolutionary project in which women have retaken the reins of agriculture and have restored solidarity and sustainable agriculture by working the land by cultivating food plants. They don’t need much water. And finally Berta Cáceres, who received the Goldman Environmental Prize, the highest global recognition for environmental activists. Berta stood out in her environmental activism, her activity being especially mediatic against the privatization of rivers and hydroelectric dam projects of international investors in her country, Honduras.